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RAGE RISING ( Rage Against the Machine tribute band )

RAGE RISING nace en el año 2020 en Tarragona, y es un fiel homenaje a la banda
californiana RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, considerada como una de las más influyentes
de los años noventa, con himnos atemporales como “Killing in the Name”
RAGE RISING es un espectáculo lleno de fuerza y adrenalina, un directo explosivo en el
que repasan la discografía de la banda americana, consiguiendo transmitir el sonido y el
mensaje de la banda original.
At this time in our world the words of Rage Against the Machine resonate stronger than
ever. As kids we loved their music, as men we believe their message. This is a tribute
En los tiempos que vivimos, las letras de Rage Against the Machine resuenan con más
fuerza que nunca. De niños amábamos su música, como hombres creemos en su
mensaje. Esto es un tributo
·William Miller (voz)
·Javier Vila (guitarras)
·Álvaro Tudela (batería)
·Aleix Gallifa (bajo)
Patricia. Tel: 654 726 179



RAGE RISING was born in 2020 in Tarragona, and is a faithful tribute to the band
Californian RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, considered one of the most influential
from the nineties, with timeless anthems like “Killing in the Name”
RAGE RISING is a show full of strength and adrenaline, an explosive live show in the
that review the discography of the American band, managing to transmit the sound and the
message from the original band.
At this time in our world the words of Rage Against the Machine resonate stronger than
ever. As kids we loved their music, as men we believed their message. This is a tribute
In the times we live in, Rage Against the Machine's lyrics resonate more
strength than ever. As children we loved his music, as men we believe in his
message. This is a tribute
·William Miller (voice)
·Javier Vila (guitars)
·Álvaro Tudela (drums)
·Aleix Gallifa (bass)
Patricia. Tel: 654 726 179

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